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The School of Public Administration successfully held the Commemoration of 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and Public Management 2018 Forum.

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up, The School of Public Administration organized the 2018 Annual Forum for Public Administration. This forum focused on the theme of China's customs business reform by organizing three high-level lectures and inviting Shengqiang Huang , the former member of Party Leadership Group of the General Administration of Customs, Xiaohong Dang, deputy director of the Department of Customs Control and Inspection of the General Administration of Customs,and Jincheng Liang, deputy director of General Office of the General Administration of Customs as keynote speakers, presenting a feast for the faculties with a grand political vision, broad thinking and professional features.

This forum is started with the lectures of Prof. Shengqiang Huang, the former member of Party Leadership Group of the General Administration of Customs, the former director of the State Port Office, and the dean of the Department of Customs of Shanghai Customs College. With the theme of The Modernization and Comprehensively Deep Reform of Customs, Professor Huang combined his rich experience in customs work and introduced the causes and important areas of China’s customs modernization process since the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in the context of the global wave of customs modernization and reforms. He emphasized that the modernization of the customs is a need for a more proactive and open-minded strategy. He demonstrated the modernization history of China Customs from the establishment of a modern customs system, the second-step development strategy of the modern customs system and the three phases of comprehensive deepening of the customs. When mentioning China's customs modernization process, Professor Shengqiang Huang chose seven key words to explain to us the preliminary results of the modernization of customs, that is, reduction, intelligence, innovation, fairness, convenience, cooperation, and strategy. Subsequently, Professor Shengqiang Huang  introduced the challenges in China's future strategy and customs with the center on the New Rules, New Types, and New Forms.

In the end is the interactive session with a warm atmosphere. The students enthusiastically spoke and questioned Prof. Shengqiang Huang on hot issues such as customs inspections and travel inspection. Since Prof. Shengqiang Huang ’s lecture is humorous, straightforward and easy to understand, the students learned a lot of essential knowledge, and felt the excellence and hard working of a generation of uibers.

The lecture was hosted by Fan Libo, the Dean of School of Public Administration. Before the lecture, Professor Shengqiang Huang was presented with the appointment letter of the visiting professor and he was invited as the visiting professor of School of Public Administration.

On the afternoon of April 15, Xiaohong Dang, the deputy director of the Department of Customs Control and Inspection of the General Administration of Customs attended the Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up and the 2018 Annual Forum of Public Administration and gave a lecture which themed Customs Clearance Inspection in China for the MPA student of the School of Public Administration.

Deputy Director Xiaohong Dian began with an overview of the organizational structure and control and inspection of China's customs agencies and introduced customs clearance supervision model and historical evolution in customs clearance operations of China's customs from classified customs clearance, paperless customs clearance and regional integration of customs clearance to national integration of customs clearance customs(that is three integration) before customs clearance before, during customs clearance, and after customs clearance.


Then, the Deputy Director introduced the overall situation of the construction of China's customs logistics monitoring system, illustrated the logistics monitoring system framework by clearly defining the development direction of the logistics monitoring command center as the main and synchronously implementing the Internet of Things to effectively improve the tracking and control of cargo. In addition, Xiaohong Dang explained the New responsibilities and New appearances of China Customs in light of the actual situation. She also introduced the entry and exit inspection and quarantine management responsibilities and optimizational adjustments in various business documents, and seals after being classified into Customs teams.

In the end, Deputy Director Xiaohong Dang briefly introduced the Pilot Program for Safe and Intelligent Trade Routes. The overall goal of the project is to improve the multilevel risk management and strengthen point-to-point supply chain security in goods trade to prevent terrorism-related and other types of risks and to facilitate trustworthy enterprises.


During the lecture, students in this occupied class listened carefully. After the lecture, the students asked questions to the deputy director Xiaohong Dang about issues such as the contradiction of human resources deployment and functional transformation in the process of customs clearance reform and integration. Xiaohong Dang, the deputy director, patiently and meticulously answer questions of the students based on professional theories and plenty of work cases , so that the students benefited greatly.


On May 3, Jincheng Liang, deputy director of General Office of the General Administration of Customs joined in 2018 Annual Forum Year to give speeches to students of MPA Customs and international trade. The theme of the lecture is deeply studying and implementing the spirit put forward with by the Nineteenth CPC National Congress and working hard to make a fresh start of customs in the new era—conscientiously implementing the spirit of the National Customs Ministry meeting in 2018. At first, he declared achievement in Customs cross the country since 18th CPC National Congress. Based on the 2018 National Customs Ministry Meeting, he explained the current major schedule and tasks of the customs, including accurate control and inspection, homeopathic control and inspection, conscientious performing duties to safeguard national customs and initiative to service One Belt and One Road strategy, single window of international trade and deepening national integration and reform of the country's customs clearance. Then, Director Liang voiced his own opinions on the development of the new customs, focusing on the orientation and requirements of the new customs of new socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The new customs will take this institutional reform as an opportunity, promising to have new accomplishment.

Director Liang also shared FIRST working method, the important working solution for a leading cadre, and the way to be the vanguard in work and to be an leading official. Finally, as an Career Mentor to the MPA of School of Public Administration, Director Liang has ever participated in the thesis proposal thesis oral defense organized by the School as a chairman of the oral defense  team. He shared his own experience with respect to the dissertation writings and reviewing  which audiences cared and encourage students writing good dissertations carefully to match the training provided by schools and customs.

During more than three hours of lectures, Director Liang explained the profound things in a simple way. The students felt comfortable. They interacted with and respected each in a harmonious atmosphere. Libo Fan the Dean of the School of Public Administration, Shuwen Wang, the Deputy Dean from the School of Public Administration, as well as some faculties representatives, attended Mr. Liang’s lecture , which was well received by everyone.