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Research Center of General Administration of Customs Visits the School of Public Administration for Cooperation and Exchange


On May 11, an alumnus (student admitted in 1979) Su Tie, now the Director of the Research Center of the General Administration of Customs, with his colleagues, visited the School of Public Administration. Fan Libo, Dean of the School of Public Administration, Teng Yun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Zhai Dongtang, Director of the Customs Administration Department, Li Hailian, Secretary of the Party Branch, teacher Wu Aihua etc. held a meeting with Director Su and his colleagues in Ningyuan Building 636 room. The two sides held in-depth exchanges on developing new ways for cooperation in the fields of academic research and Party building.

Secretary Teng Yun first welcomed the arrival of the Director Su Tie. She focused on the current situation of Party building and the establishment of Party branches in the School. She pointed out that the Party building work of the School has always been carried out around the central work of the School, striving to innovate forms and improve the quality and vitality of organization. Speaking of the cooperation in the field of Party building between the two sides, Secretary Teng said that it is possible for the Party branch of the Research Center and the Party branch of the Customs Administration Department of the School to develop new ideas in the field of academic research, work together and promote each other’ progress by organizing academic lectures or salons on the basis of academic research as a platform and hot frontier topics as a joint point. Director Su briefly introduced the staff of the Party branch of the Research Center and also proposed that Party branch from both side should carry out activities in the form that Party members like, which will help arouse the interest and enthusiasm of Party members and increase their participation. Then the two sides discussed on the form and content of the joint Party branch construction.

President Fan Libo briefly introduced the achievements made by the discipline of public administration in the discipline evaluation, also the challenges and development ideas. Then Fan discussed the content and agenda of the High-end Forum on Customs Administration “40-year Reform and Opening-up in China and Customs Development”, which will be held on June 2, with Director Su, and sincerely invited relevant specialties of the Research Center to attend the forum and solicit contributions. Subsequently, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on the development and construction of Customs Management Review, the establishment of research bases and the holding of expert lectures.

This meeting deepened the comprehensive cooperation between the School of Public Administration and the Research Center of the General Administration of Customs. With Party building as the guarantee and “mutual benefit and win-win” as the goal, it will further promote the in-depth and close cooperation between the School and the Research Center.