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Department of Public Administration

Fu, Yufei

作者:  来源:  发布日期:2015-11-29


Name:  Fu Yufei

Positional TitleAssociate professor


Work Experience:

   College of Public Management in the University of International Business and Economics since 2013

The Research Field:

 Public Policy  Government Consulting  Local Government

Individual ThesisCSSCI) :

1. Study on the Unbalanced Influence of Our Government and Its Courses- Survey from the Civil Servants from Different Parts.Chinese Public Administration, 2014,8

2. Research on the Civilian Involvement of Policy-making from the Viewpoint of Social Gender Mainstreaming          


3. Analysis of political micro-blog role in the civil participation in policies, The contemporary world and socialist, 2011,5

4. Big department system reform:  Structure optimization, function definition and government performance-- Taking Chongqing city as a case studyLocal government reform in the new century - a typical survey and empirical research, China University of Political Science and Law press, 2010

5. Analysis of the functional departments of our government decision-making mechanism -- Geographical factors as the main study variables, Chinese Public Administration, 2013,4

6. The overall government practice and big department system reform: Comparison of agreement and difference, he contemporary world and socialist, 2013, 6

7. Lack of analysis of quantization for public policy - Causes and Countermeasures, Journal of Henan Normal University, Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition, 2013,7